4D Tipster 8am8 Scam Acesse Marketing Aerosia AlphaWave Asean Paradize Bank Negara Malaysia BBCoin Binapuri BINARY OPTION SYNC SYNTHESIS BNM Blacklist BOSS Cambodia Gamble CEO UNIONS City Harvest Church Dato Issue Direct Sales DongZong eCos2 Electric Saving Card EMGoldEX EZY CLOUD e租宝 f Fake MT4 Forex Scam Forex 外汇 gem Gem Coin General GlobalINFX Gold Investment Gold Investment Scam GPLF GreenCity GSM Hapag-lloyd Happy MMM Heng Yuan Global Group Hexagon IBS Igrownet Illegal Pyramid Scheme Internet Scam Investment Scam Jeunesse JJPTR Kra-Project MAMA CAPTAIN MasterMind Maxim Trader MBI MC OCEAN Mega Wisdom Mface Million Treasure Kelab MM MMM World Mon Space MOP Moxian MyCoin Naning Nirvati NKFX NuSkin One Coin PhytoScience PonziScheme PPC Property Agent RCFX Riway RWMI CLUB SagaJuta SBVI TRUST Scam Alert SeeMou SkyStar Stop Money Game T1FX Tone Excel TP Eagle Ufun UMartin UNASCOS Unico2u UONP3N uToken Valiant Capital Vitaxel World Ventures YS Mobile YSLM ZRII 二元期权 云数贸 互联网骗局 亚洲共荣投资 保健品类传销 假慈善 克拉币 克拉运河 其他 刮刮乐 募款诈骗 华教 南宁传销 南寧投資 卢台长神棍 原来是这样语录 天鹰国际联盟 宗教骗局 工作诈骗 庞斯骗局 快速致富計劃 恒远环球集团 打击非法传销语录 捐款 新闻 旅游金字塔 时事 独中 直销 省油省电卡 精神传销 网络骗子 羊胎素 老千 董总 虚拟币 裸聊 裸聊骗局 诈骗 赢讯通 金字塔老鼠会 雲通訊 马胜金融 鹿胎素 黄金投资

We are Combating Illegal Pyramid Scheme (C.I.P.S) from Malaysia, we reveal the truth behind all these Pyramid Scheme, PonziScheme, Forex Scam etc.

Malaysia is flooded with many pyramid scheme, we do little efforts to give awareness to public about this topics and possibly save people from falling into the traps.

If you have any inquiries about investment or forex, please feel free to email us CombatingIllegalPyramidScheme@gmail.com

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